Thoughts on Using Amazon Redshift as a Replacement for an Oracle Data Warehouse

Recently, my colleague, Pete Carpenter, described a proof of concept we carried out using Amazon Redshift as the data warehouse storage layer in a system capturing data from Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) using Attunity CloudBeam in conjunction with Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) for specialised ETL processing and Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI) as the reporting tool.

In this blog I will look at Amazon Redshift and how it compares with a more traditional DW approach using, as my example, Oracle. I am not going to talk performance in absolute terms as your mileage is going to vary.

What is Redshift?

Redshift is the Amazon Cloud Data Warehousing server; it can interact with Amazon EC2 and S3 components but is managed separately using the Redshift tab of the AWS console. As a cloud based system it is rented by the hour from Amazon, and broadly the more storage you hire the more you pay. Currently, there are 2 families of Redshift servers, the traditional hard-disk based, and the recently introduced SSD family, which has less storage but far more processing power and faster CPUs. For our trials we looked at the traditional disk based storage on a 2 node cluster to give us 4TB of disk spread across 4 CPU cores. Apart from single node configurations, Redshift systems consist of a leader node and two or more database nodes; the leader node is supplied free of charge (you only pay for the storage nodes) and is responsible for acting as the query parser, coordinating the results from the database nodes, and being a central network address for user access.

The Redshift product has its origins in ParAccel and that in turn Postgres and thus supports ANSI SQL and the ODBC and JDBC Postgres drivers. In basic terms it is a share-nothing parallel processing columnar store database that supports columnar compression.

At the cluster level all sorts of robustness features come in to play to handle routine hardware failures such as a node or disk; regular automatic backups occur and on-demand backups can be made to S3 storage for DR or replication to other AWS networks. It is possible to dynamically change the number and or type of Redshift nodes in use, in effect a new cluster is spun up and the data copied from the existing system to the new before dropping the old system. The original database remains open for query (but not update) during the scale-out (or scale-down) process. As Pete Carpenter described, creating a new Redshift instance is a simple matter of completing a few web forms and waiting for the cluster to come up. Once up you can connect to the database using the master credentials you specified at cluster creation and then create databases, users, and schemas as required.

Databases, users, schemas and security

Although it is possible to run a Redshift database using the master user and the default database, good practice suggests that we do a bit more than this. In some ways Redshift is a little like the Oracle 12c database in that we can create additional databases within the master database, much in the style of plugable databases; a major difference comes with the concept of a USER. In Oracle 12c a user belongs to a plugable database, in Redshift all users belong to the master (container) database and can see any of the contained databases (subject to grants.) Schemas are logical groupings for objects and need not be aligned to database user names. Standard object and role grants allow users to access specific databases, schemas, and tables or to have role-rights such as administrator. The final aspect of security is outside the database and is in effect a firewall rule to permit any nominated AWS user or specified IP addresses to speak to the database listener; by default the rule is no inbound access. The diagram below is a block representation of how databases, users, schemas and firewall interrelate. Note user names are descriptive and not valid names!

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Database Design

A key point of difference between Amazon Redshift and Oracle is in how the data is stored or structured in the database. An understanding of this is vital in how to design a performant data warehouse. With Oracle we have shared storage (SAN or local disk) attached to a pool of processors (single machine or a cluster); however, Redshift uses a share-nothing architecture, that is the storage is tied to the individual processor cores of the nodes. As with Oracle, data is stored in blocks, however the Redshift block size is much larger (1MB) than the usual Oracle block sizes; the real difference is how tables are stored in the database, Redshift stores each column separately and optionally allows one of many forms of data compression. Tables are also distributed across the node slices so that each CPU core has its own section of the table to process. In addition, data in the table can be sorted on a sort column which can lead to further performance benefits; I will discuss this in the section on tables.

Not all of the database features we come to expect in an Oracle data warehouse are available to us in Redshift. The Redshift Developer Guide has the full rundown on what is available, but for now here is a short list of common DW features that are not going to be available to us.