Transferring Schools

Admission to a new school does not by itself authorize an international student in F-1 status to begin studying full-time at the new school.

You must request your current school (UW) to transfer/release your F-1 U.S. government SEVIS I-20 record to your new school before you can begin full-time studies there. The U.S. government calls this process a “SEVIS transfer.” (It is different from an “academic transfer.”)

There are several benefits to a SEVIS transfer:

The U.S. government considers all the following examples to be possible “SEVIS transfer” situations:

  1. Completing a program at one school and starting a new program at a different school Examples:
  2. Currently studying at one school and deciding (before completing program) to change to a new school
    Example: A student is studying for a bachelor’s degree. The student decides after only two quarters at their current school that they want to change to a different school.
  3. Currently doing OPT and starting a new program of study at a different school Examples:

Eligibility for an F-1 SEVIS Record Transfer