Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV)

Stand Down Period for Accredited Employer Work Visa

If you plan to support your dependent child's visitor or student visa application, you must meet a minimum income threshold. Currently, the required income threshold is $43,322.76 per annum. Failure to maintain this threshold can have serious consequences, including potential deportation for both the parent/s and the child.

Remember that if both parents hold Accredited Employer work visas, their incomes can be combined to meet the minimum income threshold.

Maximum continuous stay

Please note, from 27 November 2023, a requirement called "maximum continuous stay" was introduced.

This means regardless of whether you are paid above median wage or below, once you've reached the maximum stay allowed, you will need to remain outside New Zealand for a period of time before becoming eligible to apply for an AEWV visa.

Maximum continuous stay for Accredited Employer Work Visa

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How much does an AEWV cost?

If applying online from New Zealand, the application fee for an Accredited Employer Work Visa is $750.

After lodgement, INZ will be in touch to ask for an eMedical, if you have not provided one before, or if the last one you have provided has expired. An eMedical consisting of a general medical and a chest x-ray will typically cost around $400.

There aren't any other fees payable to Immigration New Zealand.

What are the steps for an Accredited Employer Work Visa?

Step 1: Receive a job offer

Begin by securing a job offer from an accredited employer in New Zealand. These employers need to have gained Job Check approvals to hire migrant workers for specific roles. Ensure your employer provides you with the following documents:

Step 2: Complete the online application

Once you've received the necessary documents from your employer, go to Immigration New Zealand website, and start preparing the application.

Step 3: Upload required documents

Prepare the relevant documents for your AEWV visa application. Scan these documents and convert them into PDF files, ensuring each file doesn't exceed 10MB in size. Additionally, your photo should be in jpeg format.

Step 4: Payment of fees

As you progress through the online application, you'll reach the payment stage. Here, you must complete payment for your Accredited Employer Work visa. Payment options include Visa, Mastercard, China UnionPay, Amex, JCB and POLi (internet banking).

Step 5: Submit your visa application

Once you've completed the application and made the required payment, your visa application will be submitted. Immigration New Zealand will guide you if any further actions are necessary.

We've got your back.

To expedite your application, it's crucial to ensure it is error-free and includes sufficient supporting documents for INZ to assess.

If you're uncertain whether you've met all the requirements accurately, don't hesitate to contact us for a thorough evaluation of your case.

What is the processing time for an AEWV?

According to Immigration New Zealand, straightforward AEWV visa applications are processed in 20 weekdays, excluding public holidays.

The average processing time for Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) applications is 14 weekdays, and 90% 0f all applications are completed within a timeframe of 51 weekdays.

What will an approved Accredited Employer Work Visa look like?

The length of your visa and any potential stand-down periods depend on your occupation and pay rate. If you are paid at or above the median wage, then the resulting visa can issue up to 5 years.

As mentioned above, some sectors, like tourism and hospitality or construction and infrastructure, may be granted a 2 year visa, and have stand-down periods of up to 12 months if your pay is below the median wage.

The granted Accredited Employer Work Visa will specify certain conditions, including your occupation, name of employer, location of work, minimum pay rate, etc.

Sample Accredited Employer Work Visa

Residence pathway options for Accredited Employer Work Visa holders

The implementation of the 'maximum continuous stay' policy emphasises the importance of setting clear goals and taking proactive steps to become eligible for residence within the specified time frame.

While it serves the purpose of managing immigration and ensuring a continuous influx of new residents, it can be perceived as somewhat harsh. This policy signals that those who don't meet the established thresholds may not have a place in the country, even if they have contributed to the nation by living, working, and paying taxes like other residents.

Therefore, you will need to take proactive steps to work on your pathway to residency, whether it be through Skilled Migrant Category, the Green List: Straight to Residence, Green List: Work to Residence, Care Workforce Work to Residence or Transport Work to Residence.

Sponsoring family members under AEWV

If you are holding an AEWV at ANZSCO level 1, 2 or 3, earning at median wage or higher, you can support your partner for a partnership-based work visa. It can either be an open work visa with no restrictions, or with restrictions, depending on whether your role is on the Green List or whether you are paid twice the median wage.

As for children, you can support school age children for dependent student visas, if your annual income exceeds $43,322.76 gross per annum, and holding an AEWV at ANZSCO level 1, 2 or 3.

As a result of changes announced 26 June 2024, those holding AEWVs at ANZSCO skill level 4 or 5 cannot support partnership visa or dependent child visa, other than very limited circumstances (having a pathway to residency, such as the Green List, sector agreements with residence pathways).

Frequently asked questions

What does an 'Accredited Employer' mean?

Those employers who have been granted Accredited Employer status by Immigration New Zealand by meeting certain criteria. Accreditations remain valid for 12 months for the initial term and is renewable.

When is the right time to apply for an AEWV?

You can apply for an Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) once your accredited employer has obtained an approved Job Check and invites you to apply for the visa to work in that specific job.

What is a 'Job Check'?

A Job Check is a process employers need to complete to be able to employ a migrant worker. A valid Job Check can be used to invite a migrant worker to create an AEWV application.

Is it possible to change a job while holding an Accredited Employer Work Visa?

Yes, you will need to apply for a Variation of Conditions (VOC) to change the conditions of your current visa.

Can AEWV lead to New Zealand residency?

Yes, by holding an AEWV and meeting certain criteria, you may be able to apply under the following skilled residency pathways:

Can I study on an AEWV?

You can study up to 3 months, or if the study is part of the job. Otherwise, look at changing the conditions of the visa.

Is there an age limit for an AEWV?

There isn't an age limit for an AEWV, but if you are past the retirement age, INZ might start to wonder if you would be able to work full-time.

What is the maximum duration of an AEWV?

You will be able to get an AEWV which has a visa validity of up to 5 years ("maximum continuous stay").

If you have exhausted all 5 years and have not been able to gain New Zealand residence visa, you will have to leave New Zealand.

You will be able to apply again after spending 12 months outside New Zealand.