Identifying Medical Schools With Robust LGBTQ+ Support Systems

Here are some features and key criteria of medical schools that have strong LGBTQ+ support systems and communities.

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students holding a Pride flag

Over the past few years, medical schools have seen an increase in matriculants identifying as a sexual orientation other than heterosexual. According to data from the AAMC 2021 Matriculant Student Questionnaire, 14% of all matriculants identified as LGBTA+. (“LGBTA+” is used to encompass all members of the sexual behavior minority and gender identity minority communities.)

In response to these shifts and to address health care disparities, medical schools have made great strides in creating more inclusive learning environments and updating curriculum to address LGBTQ+ patient populations. However, programs vary widely based on each institution. Review the factors below to help identify schools that prioritize LGBTQ+ health equity and inclusion:

Additional Resources
Here are some additional resources for premeds to consider when researching schools: